Hello there and welcome to babé Crochet! In 2015 the company began under the name Babay Fay and after some life changing events which called for new intentions and aspirations, it was rebranded babé Crochet and relaunched in June 2019.
About Me
My name is Isabelle Mounet and I'm the inventor, owner and designer of the Izzy Crochet Hat Templates.
I grew up in a small farming village of Dordogne in the French South West, moving to the South of England in my early 20s to self-improve and develop. I quickly realised that Great Britain was where I wanted to live and grow.
My mother passed onto me her love for many crafts involving threads, fabrics and yarns and my father his “There are no problems, only solutions” type of attitude. I would like to think that both their teachings and values led me to invent the Izzy Crochet Hat Templates and create babé crochet co.
From 2017, personal matters took priority over everything but I was lucky to have Amanda Lillie as a mentor and also a retailer in the US. She also sales the Izzy Crochet Hat Templates here: Amanda Lillie from The Lillie Pad. She has been an invaluable mentor and partner to developing my product and business. I like to think of her as a great friend now.
We rebranded Babay Fay and relaunched as babé Crochet co - brand-spanking-new to match my new life!
On holiday with my aunt, my 1st knitting project in hands, age 6
What does babé means and where does it come from?
Babé is what my close family use for me as my nickname, so where it comes from is close to my heart. My little sister, 4 years my junior, had a slow start in life with many health issues from her first breath, slow cognitive and speech developments. Until the age of 4, she just could not say my name properly and babé is what she would say instead of Isabelle - and it stuck! For me, it’s the symbol of the little girl who had a tough start in life. Yet, as she has grown to adulthood, she has gone on to earn a Master in Horticulture and has now two wonderful children as well as being part of the French National Judo team. I am so terribly proud of her!
As for the ‘é’ in babé? Well the internet does not like foreign accentuation so I had to accept and simplify it to “babe” for internet purpose. For those who want to know, “babé” is pronounced - ba as in “ba-ttery” and bé as in “bay “the ocean bay”.
How did the Izzy Crochet Hat Tools come to be?

As most crocheters will have experienced, hats were very much a frustrating “hit and miss” for me. When it came to executing and sizing hats accurately I struggled to get the right fit and look. Out of sheer frustration - and lots of brainstorming, trial, error, research and work - I created a set for myself. I then realised that so many other crocheters shared my frustration and I wanted to share my idea with all of them. So I decided to launch them as an official product.With my client’s feedback, I'm always thinking of ways to improve them so that they can meet crocheters' expectations.
Babé Crochet Values:
Community - A sense of community. From communities, we can grow, uplift and support each other. “We need a sense of community, a sense that we are all in it together. If we have not sense of community, the (American) dream will wither.” William J. Clinton
Paying It Forward and the 6 degrees of separation
I like to combine the principles of Pay It Forward and the 6th degree of separation. Here is how they can be defined:
- Pay it Forward is opposite of payback, when someone does a good deed for you, instead of paying them back, you pay it forward by doing a good deed for someone else.
- Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people have six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. As a result, a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.
Combining these 2 principles, to me, feel like an efficient way to bring positive impact and changes.
Women supporting women
A History teacher once told me: “In all societies, positive changes come from women, by women.” I realise now how true she was. Women have that natural “I got your back” kinda mentality. We have that innate way to network and support one another. I have been lucky to cross paths with amazing women who supported, uplifted and bettered me, I want to be that too to others.
Making a difference
From visiting an isolated friend for a coffee, to donating to a charitable organisation--all these little things we can do amount to a lot in their lives.